On this page you can find available resources related to the software output of the ComPat project.

ComPat Software Repository
Please click the following link for access to a repository of ComPat’s open source software and tools.

FabSim is a Python-based automation toolkit for scientific simulation and data processing workflows, licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. It aims to enable users to perform remote tasks from a local command-line, and to run applications while curating the environment variables and the input and output data in a systematic manner. To provide that curation, FabSim uses a basic data transfer functionalities such as rsync and ssh.

QCG – Quality in Cloud and Grid
The QCG middleware (previously known as QosCosGrid) is an integrated system offering advanced job and resource management capabilities to deliver to end-users supercomputer-like performance and structure. By connecting many distributed computing resources together, QCG offers highly efficient mapping, execution and monitoring capabilities for variety of applications, such as parameter sweep, workflows, MPI or hybrid MPI-OpenMP. Thanks to QCG, large-scale applications, multi-scale or complex computing models written in Fortran, C, C++ or Java can be automatically distributed over a network of computing resources with guaranteed QoS. The middleware provides also a set of unique features, such as advance reservation and co-allocation of distributed computing resources.

MUSCLE 2 – The Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment – is a portable framework to do multiscale modeling and simulation on distributed computing resources. The generic coupling mechanism of MUSCLE is suitable for many types of multiscale applications, notably for multiscale models as defined by the MAPPER project. Submodels can be implemented from scratch, but legacy code can also be used with only minor adjustments. The runtime environment solves common problems in distributed computing and couples submodels of a multiscale model, whether they are built for high-performance supercomputers or for local execution. MUSCLE supports Java, C, C++, Fortran, Python, MATLAB and Scala code, using MPI, OpenMP, or threads.

AMUSE – The Astrophysical MUltipurpose Software Environment – a software framework that provides a homogeneous interface to a wide variety of packages, which enables the research of astrophysical phenomena where complex interactions occur between different physical domains. The framework can be used for astrophysical simulations, in which existing codes from different domains, such as stellar dynamics, stellar evolution, hydrodynamics and radiative transfer can be easily coupled.

Experimental Execution Environment
Please click the following link to access the Experimental Execution Environment (EEE) for the ComPat project.